Approved of by God Ge 1:31.
Blessed by God Ge 1:28; 5:2.
Placed in the garden of Eden Ge 2:15.
Every herb and tree given to, for food Ge 1:29.
Allowed to eat flesh after the flood Ge 9:3.
Not good for, to be alone Ge 2:18.
Woman formed to be a help for Ge 21:2-25.
Possessed of
Originally naked and not ashamed Ge 2:25.
Disobeyed God by eating part of the forbidden fruit Ge 3:1-12.
Filled with shame after the fall Ge 3:10.
Covered himself with fig leaves Ge 3:7.
Clothed by God with skins Ge 3:21.
Punished for disobedience Ge 3:16-19.
Banished from paradise Ge 3:23,24.
Involved posterity in his ruin Ro 5:12-19.
Has sought out many inventions Ec 7:29.
Born in sin Ps 51:5.
Born to trouble Job 5:7.
Has an appointed time on the earth Job 7:1.
Days of, compared to a shadow 1Ch 29:15.
Days of, as the days of a hireling Job 7:1.
Has but few days Job 14:1.
Ordinary limit of his life Ps 90:10.
Ignorant of what is good for him Ec 10:2.
Ignorant of what is to come after him Ec 10:14.
Not profited by all his labour and travail Ec 2:22; 6:12.
Cannot direct his ways Jer 10:23; Pr 20:24.
Walks in a vain show Ps 39:6.
Shall be recompensed according to his works Ps 62:12; Ro 2:6.
Cannot retain his spirit from death Ec 8:8.
Would give all his possessions for the preservation of life Job 2:4.
Able to sustain bodily affliction Pr 18:14.
Sinks under trouble of mind Pr 18:14.
No trust to be placed in Ps 118:8; Isa 2:22.
The help of, vain Ps 60:11.
The whole duty of Ec 12:13.